Friday, March 28, 2008


The best comedy ever. Before this one there were the Hot Shots(look for sequences from those on youtube if you haven't heard of them until now). Since Out Cold no comedy could make me laugh better. I still wonder how the heck could I forget to write anything about it unltil now. Here is a part of the introduction and some fun parts that I cut out for you to see them:

I put here many of the snowboarding parts of the movie, but there's more than snowboarding, so go get the movie!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring and autumn

The two seasons of my memories. The seasons during which nature has the most wonderful varieties of colors.
Spring ... green, yellow and all those flowers... contrasts of colors and enchanting perfumes.
Long walks in the nature and joy around our smyles. Memories of my childhood, memories of the wind bending the grass, slowly floating through the leaves and breathing softly on my skin, memories with rain, memories of the returning sunshine. All of these come to my mind as they return in my life (except for the childhood of course :D ). Only a few hours left there are ,until the day that they call my birthday. I don't want any "Happy birthday!" from anyone. It's just a day and I'm a stranger. To me it doesn't mean anything more than a tag. I was born in 1985, since then, never again. I'll be just fine with a "Hi!", a smyle and perhaps a friendly joke.

Autumn... the time to talk about it will come.

Friday, March 7, 2008


last spring I was sometimes walking in the park while listening to this song

Monday, March 3, 2008

Luna in camp
de Nichita Stănescu

Cu mâna stângă ți-am întors spre mine chipul,
sub cortul adormiților gutui
și de-aș putea să-mi rup din ochii tăi privirea,
văzduhul serii mi-ar părea căprui.

mi s-ar părea că deslușesc, prin crenge,
zvelți vânători, în arcuiții lei
din gona calului, cum își subție arcul.
O, tinde-ți mîna stângă către ei

și stinge tu conturul lor de lemn subțire,
pe care ramurile l-au aprins,
suind sub lună-n seve caii repezi
ce-au rătăcit cu timpul pe întins.

Eu te privesc în ochi și-n jur se șterg copacii.
În ochii tăi cu luna mă răsfrâng
... și ai putea, uitând, să ne strivești în gene
dar chipul ți-l întorc, pe brațul stâng.