Friday, December 28, 2007


I wrote this earlier:

Today is Christmass (25th of December)! It's about 1:04 AM here (Nuseni, a small vilage in Romania). I still have all my cloks (phone, iPod and laptop) set to the Copenhagen time. That was 12:05... and... somehow I find it funny. I've been in Romania for an entire week now. I'm listening to a nice movie soundtrack song. I don't know who's singing it. I just finished watching the movie.
The movie (it's very violent, I tell you now)... this is what I've been writing the introduction for. It just ain't any kind of movie. It was dirrected by Martin Scorsese. Why is it entitled "The Departed"? I couldn't build a straight answer to that question. Maybe I would look for one on Google when I get to Oradea or if I remember next time I access to the INTERNET. It's a movie that doesn't build much emotion. It just lets you sit in your spectator chair and see everything except for the characters thoughts. A part of those thoughts, but mostly the feelings are expressed in the shrink sequences. You can see the pressure in there minds in the way they interact, the way the characters play roles(not the actors... a thing that I find great... you don't very much get to see the actors, you see the characters( :D now Johnny Bravo would say: "Enough about you, let's talk about me")... at least that is what happened to me). I think that evendough it is a cop movie it's more of a tragedy. In the end everybody who had anything to do with the case dies. Those who remain are the ones ho had no implication. I think that the scenario was very well built... calculated. It's not like other so called "good movies" that skip some relevant information or mix it up just to puzzle you (it's a stupid confuzion that some dirrectors take advantage of in todays movies, what I'm saying is that it isn't the case here). You'll see situations, facts, behaviors, reactions, all put togeder in a realistic and defined shape. Oh yeah... "big words". Well, I may say those are big atributes but not cheap words. Realistic? If you watch the movie you'll see it for yourself... everything is a "cause and effect" chain. Deffined shape? Every situation and every character is displayed rough and raw, nothing is given more or less importance than your eyes require. Nothing dissipates. Everything becomes a solid mass in the end(I don't mean corpse :D). You's like a chess game. The more you play it with somebody, the more you get to know your opponent and you would be a big fool if you don't realise that he also gets to know you. In another way: in the begining everything has an order for those who know nothing of what is going on on the table. After they get inside they have their own games against the others who were driven in the game and they start to learn the big game(the one in which they were all pushed), but unfortunately, when they get to know their pattern they die... because... you don't sacrifice a chess piece unless you make a good plan to back that sacrifice and you push new characters into the action... and a pawn can become a queen... now that I worte this I just remembered that the name of the captain who was leading the investigation was Queenan... so... I think that those/the one who wrote the scenario were/was thinking about chess (Could Mister Castello be a rock? now it becomes kind of obvious).The music... it comes in to bring life into some moments... some key moments or just put sugar in the chaos. Yes, chaos. Usualy problems are more difficult when you take action in order to solve them than before you do... I know that I told you something that you knew(this one goes to those who are smarter). Just forget it! Watch the movie!
When this will be posted it won't be Christmass anymore so: Happy new year!


It's been some time since I wrote about that movie... :D since then I've been to some places :D (Bistrita, then snowboarding in Borsa and now again Bistrita. Who knows what tomorrow will bring...)


Laura said...

Johnny bravo would actually say: Enough about me let's talk about me ;))

Laura said...

Johnny bravo would actually say: Enough about me let's talk about me ;))